blog 4

The video we are looking for is an instructional video on the definition of economics, which describes in detail what is known about demand and supply in the economy. Through the video, students can gain key knowledge and write down the key points in their notebooks. The examples in the video will allow students to better understand the definitions. Hopefully, after watching the video, these students will be able to think of their own examples related to economics in their own lives. Think about the relationship between price, supply and demand and know the effect of substitutes and complements on the change of price. This video helps to reinforce basic knowledge. After watching the video, students will have an interactive class discussion. Summarize some examples of substitutes and complements in their lives and ask the question of whether adding a higher price to one of them will increase or decrease the demand for the other. Give answers to other groups. This interactive exercise after watching the video will make the points more firmly remembered. This activity is expected to take 50 minutes to complete and only requires the video to be prepared in advance. The class discussion part is done together as a whole class. This event can accommodate many, many people, as the event will divide the students into groups of 4-5 people. The instructional videos will be posted on YouTube. As an online video sharing platform, we are likely to be seen by many people, which ensures the proliferation of the videos. It also gives students who are interested in economics or have questions about the subject a better answer. Overall, the video broadcast medium gave more students from different regions the opportunity to learn about this economic point.

1 Comment

  1. wanqinjiang
    June 18, 2023

    Hi Jenny! I’m curious about the video you mentioned in the post the video not only introduces the key points and knowledge but also can learn and dive deeper into the demand and supply concept by understandable examples. I found a lecture video introducing fundamental concepts of Economics as well myself, so I really would like to see your video. If possible, I also would like to have the link to the video and then I am able to learn from this video and supplement potential knowledge!


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