peer review


In this interactive learning program, I learned about ChatGPT, which has been very popular lately. This AI language model is very hot and has given many people inspiration for creative ideas. It’s also an area of great interest to me, and I’m curious about how it works. the entire course was organized very much like a real college course, both the introduction and the assignments at the end of the class were very complete. When introducing the chapter on ChatGPT, an advanced language model, a general introduction with detailed descriptions allows students to feel the care of the person who created the lesson. It also lets students know where the focus of the chapter is, so they can review it in a targeted way after the lesson. The exercises at the end of each chapter are useful, let’s try to use this model. It uses a learning method that is Inquiry-based learning. Inquiry-based learning is a type of active learning that encourages students to ask questions, conduct research, and explore new ideas. Inquiry-based learning allows students to work with peers, collaborate, and learn communication skills. The learning method they chose was applicable to this course because the model was supposed to be about the conversation between the human and the AI. There is consistency. The completeness of this lesson is also very good. The only thing that I feel could have been perfected would have been to have exercises about the end of the lesson that could have been made varied. The quiz format could also be used to test if the students really understand the definition of ChatGPT and how it works. In summary, I think this course on ChatGPT is interesting, and ChatGPT is worth exploring and introducing as a tool that many people are using these days. The entire course was complete and consistent.

blog 4

The video we are looking for is an instructional video on the definition of economics, which describes in detail what is known about demand and supply in the economy. Through the video, students can gain key knowledge and write down the key points in their notebooks. The examples in the video will allow students to better understand the definitions. Hopefully, after watching the video, these students will be able to think of their own examples related to economics in their own lives. Think about the relationship between price, supply and demand and know the effect of substitutes and complements on the change of price. This video helps to reinforce basic knowledge. After watching the video, students will have an interactive class discussion. Summarize some examples of substitutes and complements in their lives and ask the question of whether adding a higher price to one of them will increase or decrease the demand for the other. Give answers to other groups. This interactive exercise after watching the video will make the points more firmly remembered. This activity is expected to take 50 minutes to complete and only requires the video to be prepared in advance. The class discussion part is done together as a whole class. This event can accommodate many, many people, as the event will divide the students into groups of 4-5 people. The instructional videos will be posted on YouTube. As an online video sharing platform, we are likely to be seen by many people, which ensures the proliferation of the videos. It also gives students who are interested in economics or have questions about the subject a better answer. Overall, the video broadcast medium gave more students from different regions the opportunity to learn about this economic point.

blog 3

Our topic is economics. When we created this project we intended to target all high school seniors. Economics is a popular major in college and is very popular among students. We wondered if all seniors would be interested in this subject, but thinking about it from a different perspective gave us a different result. Having learned the basics of economics, we bring these words into our lives. For example, in a supermarket, we are consumers, and the quantity of things we want to buy is demand. And what the supermarket sells is called supply. Also, the students will understand why things go up in price. In other words, will use some economic perspective to see the problem.

If there is another epidemic like the new crown that causes students to have to start taking classes online, learning will be opened by way of Zoom video conferencing. There are actually many benefits to online learning. Online learning allows the freedom of where to study, saves time going to school, and can give students more time to prepare. For more successful learning, online teaching will require more assignments. Students are also required to turn on the camera when the class is online so that if they have any questions during the class they can immediately open the microphone and ask questions to solve the problem in a timely manner. At the same time, zoom video teaching will add an interactive component, allowing each student to participate in answering questions as attendance points. This participation score will be used as a small part of the student’s learning outcome. There is also a dedicated time each week for students to answer questions. Additional questions can be emailed to the instructor. During the exam period, you need to turn on the camera to make sure you are taking the exam in person, and you can only stay on the exam screen and not go out to look at the materials.


In my perception, learning from experiences makes learning more efficient and more impressive. The experiential learning approach allows students to explore these experiences one at a time and understand the meaning of the theoretical definitions. The experiential approach is not just a paper exercise that requires a simple application of the definition to get the answer right; the experience of the experiential approach has more uncertainties that may add to the length of this learning. Students will learn from one failure and when they try again they will pay attention to what they just failed at. In my opinion this method of learning, although it consumes a lot of time and requires a certain amount of patience, is completely error-free after really mastering the point completely. The experiential learning approach is a combination of theoretical and practical learning of knowledge. It allows learners to be truly immersed in the learning environment and complete the learning process through observation and physical experience. When students are engaged in experiential learning methods, they can gain a better understanding of their knowledge. They gain proficiency in their skills through practice. They can also learn from each other by working with different people, and develop social skills. They also feel confident in reapplying what they have learned after the real experience.

This approach is consistent with the topic I chose. Because the subject chosen by our group is related to economy, students can go into the market or simulate a market with their classmates to learn about the subject we are teaching after learning the theoretical knowledge. For example, in a learning to enter a supermarket. He then becomes a consumer in economics, what he wants to buy becomes a demand in economics, the supermarket becomes a seller, and what the supermarket offers becomes a supply in economics.

Blog 1

From Clarissa’s article, I learned that the definition of learning in neurology is about the process of brain change and its ready extraction and application afterwards. This reminds me of another course I took this semester on music, which I underestimated because it was an online class. For someone who has not been exposed to music since childhood, the process of learning music theory is very challenging. It was a field that I had never set foot in before, and the basic knowledge in it could be difficult for me, and I even felt dizzy when I looked at the pentatonic score while writing the exercises. Later, I consolidated my knowledge by combining listening in class and reviewing and note-taking after class. Patience is also an important factor in completing homework. During this period of study, I felt that my brain had changed a bit, and even when I was learning a new unit of study, I used the previous information to apply it to the new environment. I had a relatively good experience taking a basic French course in COLLEGE, I have always been interested in the language and even after two or three years, I can still know how to introduce myself to people in French. Some time ago, I met a girl from France on the internet and I tried to get knowledge about French from my brain. Because when we learned French before, we needed to constantly rehearse with our teachers and classmates, which kept this knowledge from getting fuzzy even after time. It gave me the opportunity to show what I had learned about French as well. I think I am more of a behaviorist, and I believe that only after practice can I deepen my impression of knowledge. Just like I will use cell phone software to learn to play piano after I finish learning music theory.